Tips on writing a successful SEO proposal

By: Marketing Crap
04 Sep 2020
SEO proposal

Nobody is unaware of the importance of a good SEO proposal in the present times. Only a comprehensive SEO proposal that aims at meeting the demands of the potential client will help you in winning the deal. An SEO proposal is your sales-generating pitch. It means that with a relevant and impressive SEO proposal, you can prove yourself fit for your client’s needs. If you are wondering about how to create a successful SEO proposal, this article is for you.

Composing the best SEO proposal

 Best SEO proposal

To write a successful  SEO proposal, the first thing you need to focus on is your client’s requirements and demands. When you will have a clear understanding of what your client actually needs, you can create a more impacting proposal. So before you start creating the proposal, you must always try to understand the needs of your client and what they expect from you. You can ask them the following questions to get a better understanding.

  • What is the niche of your client’s business?
  • Who makes the final decisions in the organization?
  • List of their competitors and the industry they belong to.
  • What is the primary objective and mission of the organization?
  • What would be their proposed timeline and expected budget?

Include SEO benefits in prospect

SEO benefits

When you are done gathering all the essential information of the client’s demand and business, it’s the time to add the benefits of SEO in the proposal. You can mention the importance of advanced SEO proposals at present and why investing in SEO is a necessity.

High Traffic

Every marketer or business wishes to have a high number of customers. Gaining high traffic on the website means more customers will be attracted. It eventually increases sales.

High Traffic

Higher Visibility

All kinds of businessdemand to have high brand visibility. Strategically written advanced SEO proposals can get you the deal and boost brand visibility and give several other benefits to the client’s business.

Higher Visibility

Increase in inbound leads

inbound leads

It has been confirmed that SEO has a tremendous positive impact on generating leads for the business. Do not forget to mention this point in your SEO proposal.

Cost efficiency

Cost efficiency

Include in your SEO proposal that SEO is among the most cost-efficient marketing strategies. It is because SEO helps in targeting the right customers who are actually interested in the products or services mentioned.

Must-have sections in an SEO proposal

SEO proposal Sections

-Cover Page of the proposal

For writing an advanced SEO proposal, you need to focus on your cover page of the proposal. It would be best if you never forgot to add a cover page in your proposal, and it must be at least five pages or more.

Cover Page of the proposal

– Introduction

Your advanced SEO proposal must include an introduction in the starting. The best way you can write an introduction is by mentioning your client’s demand for them. It will show that you understand well what your clientis looking for in the SEO related services.


– Aim at keyword rankings

You can take the help of any tool to find relevant keywords such as Google keyword planner. Mention a few higher-ranked keywords and the traffic that is increased with their help.

Aim at keyword rankings

– Case study

In this section, you can mention the expertise that you hold. You can build a good relationship with the clientby making them feel you’re the safest option they have. Mention the awards you have won in the past and list your satisfied clients.

Case study

 – Cost and budgeting

Here you can mention the list of the SEO services you provide and the costs related to them. Make sure to include all the expenses that you incur and link it to the budget of the client.

Cost and budgeting

Most used SEO solutions

Full website audit

The foremost thing that must include in the SEO proposal is the complete audit of the client’s website. With this, you can make yourclientunderstand how you can further improve their performance.

website SEO audit

Review of content quality

You can provide this in two ways- online and offline. For an online review, you can give feedback on their site content, including blogs, product pages, infographics, landing pages, and offline on how and where the content is used.

content quality

Link Outreach

You can further assess the client how you can generate external quality links to your client’s website.

Link Outreach

On & Off-page analysis

In the on-page analysis, you may include content, keyword cannibalization, and duplicate content. For off-page include the social buzz and popularity of your client’s website.

On & Off-page analysis

Closing the SEO proposal

Closing the SEO proposal

In the closure, you must include the summary, address potential objections, and make the call-to-action clear and concise.

So to make a successful SEO proposal, you must address your client’s demands, communicate clearly, and eventually build trust.

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